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    New Year’s goal traps

    New Year’s goal traps

    New Year, new goals. How exciting! Big or small, many or a few, each goal is there waiting for you to accomplish it. You go and start something new with great enthusiasm, but soon after you… give up? The truth is, this happens to all of us from time to time. And it’s not simply…

    Are you a workaholic?

    Are you a workaholic?

    If you are a workaholic, Fridays won’t ever feel like Fridays. And there will be no Mondays and no weekdays or weekends either. Tell me, do you ever work extra hours – either physically or just by thinking about work all the time? Or do you ever take work home? You may be loving your…

    Words for your goal statement

    Words for your goal statement

    Words matter. And words matter not only for our everyday communication, but also for our goal statements and the way that we express our desires. Let me give you a few examples of bad goal statements: I don’t want to be fat. I want to lose weight. I don’t want to lose this job opportunity….

    Time management in reality

    Time management in reality

    If you are a manager or a business owner, you may be having some issues with time. Either you feel that 24/7 is not enough for you to realize all your projects or you don’t have time for your private life. Has this ever happened to you? I can’t have it all! We often hear…

    Exercise to clear your mind

    Exercise to clear your mind

    What to do when you have a lot of thoughts in your head and you feel a lot of tension and stress? I have a simple exercise for you to clear your mind and get relaxed. This exercise is very similar to journaling, but there is one part that makes it different and you will…

    Good reasons to give up

    Good reasons to give up

    We’ve learned that it’s not good to give up in life. That we have to keep trying no matter what. But have you ever felt that sometimes it just doesn’t feel right? Or you work hard and try to fix something in your life but it just doesn’t work out. Has this ever happened to…

    Work and vacation

    Work and vacation

    It happens that a vacation is not always a relaxing time with no worries. We often think about our work or other duties. Do you think about work or actually work during your vacation? Then this article is for you. Our behaviour There are a few signs showing that you are not relaxing during your…

    No time for love

    No time for love

    A life in the modern world is very demanding. You work, you rush, you compete… And then you stop for a moment and realize that your personal life is put somewhere aside. And when you try to work on it… oops! There is no time for it! No time for love! It’s not all about…

    How to stop overthinking

    How to stop overthinking

    There are times when overthinking becomes too tiring and stressful. So, the question is, how to fight overthinking? How can we make ourselves stop thinking about the same thing over and over again? Below you will find a very useful exercise that will help you put the stressful thoughts aside. An exercise for overthinking Let’s…

    When studying does no good

    When studying does no good

    Learning new things is great. But!… There are three occasions when additional studying slows you down. Read the following points and reflect on your behavior. Do any of these apply to you? 1️. Procrastination You keep on studying in order not to start something else. You may be afraid of doing that first step of…

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