10 habits of cats for a happier life my city coach

If cats could be psychologists, they would definitely be positive psychologists. Because they know how to savor life. Here are 10 habits of these adorable creatures that can follow for a happier life.

1️. Cats don’t care about what others think.
They do what they want to do, no matter who is watching and no matter if you judge them or not.

2️. A cat is not shy.

3. Cats put their needs first. Always. And they don’t compromise.

4. They demand what they want at the moment they want it.
And they will not calm down until they get what they want.

5. Cats practice self-care non-stop.
They always do their cleaning routine thoroughly and sleep a lot.

cats habbits and life coaching mycitycoach

6. They always look gorgeous.
They look gorgeous all day long, after sleep and even when they do nothing.

7. Cats let you play with them and pat them, only when they want it and when they are available.
For example, they don’t want anyone around when they are busy with their self-care routine.

8. They don’t eat more than they need.
Yes, it’s a fact…

9. They run away from stress and danger.
We can’t always avoid stress but it’s important to lessen the excessive pressure.

10. Cats are curious!

It is obvious that we can learn a lot from the cat’s activities for a happier and relaxed life. Which of the above habits do you practice?