• Αρχεία:24 2021

    Gratitude journal

    Gratitude journal

    Practicing positivity is the same as training your body in gym. You have to exercise in order to stay fit and be strong and the same applies to positive emotions. Gratitude is one of the aspects of our wellbeing and one of the ways to practice it in your everyday life is by using a…

    Effective jealousy

    Effective jealousy

    Do you ever feel jealous of something or someone? Well, this is great! Because by accepting this feeling, you can effectively project your deeper emotions, insecurities and motivations. Let’s see below how to transform this negative feeling and what we mean by an effective jealousy. Firstly, let’s define jealousy. It is a toxic feeling that…

    Can you be coached?

    Can you be coached?

    Can you be coached? Yes, No, Maybe… The question may seem easy at first and surely someone can give an immediate answer like “anyone can be coached” or on the contrary “it’s not for me” or “I am good on my own” etc. But the truth is that this question is a bit more complex….

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